# Individual CIs - need to add the CI for the reference level
The ANOVA was rejected (p-value \(= 0.0019\)). Therefore, the data is compatible with the means difference in the yields population among the 4 extrusion pressures. Next, we will diagnose the model.
Model Adequacy
We could consider a transformation because the Scale-Location plots is showing a trend.
Multiple Comparison
Considering 5% level of significance.
#Tukey Test THSD=TukeyHSD(results,which ="Press")plot(THSD,las=1)
Study: results ~ "Press"
LSD t Test for Yield
Mean Square Error: 7.32575
Press, means and individual ( 95 %) CI
Yield std r LCL UCL Min Max
8500 92.81667 4.577081 6 90.46148 95.17185 87.4 98.2
8700 91.68333 3.304189 6 89.32815 94.03852 87.0 95.8
8900 88.91667 2.966760 6 86.56148 91.27185 85.5 93.4
9100 85.76667 4.445072 6 83.41148 88.12185 78.9 90.7
Alpha: 0.05 ; DF Error: 15
Critical Value of t: 2.13145
Comparison between treatments means
difference pvalue signif. LCL UCL
8500 - 8700 1.133333 0.4795 -2.1974047 4.464071
8500 - 8900 3.900000 0.0247 * 0.5692620 7.230738
8500 - 9100 7.050000 0.0004 *** 3.7192620 10.380738
8700 - 8900 2.766667 0.0970 . -0.5640714 6.097405
8700 - 9100 5.916667 0.0018 ** 2.5859286 9.247405
8900 - 9100 3.150000 0.0621 . -0.1807380 6.480738
The Extrusion Pressure setting does affect the Yield (defects) in the Vascular Graft Experiment. The Lower the Pressure the higher the Yield.
The 9100 pressure was significantly different from 8500 and 8700 pressures. However, the 9100 pressure statistically resulted in no difference in the yield compared to 8900 pressure.
Random Effects RCBD
library(lme4)anovaRE <-lmer(Yield ~1+ Press + (1| Batch), data = dataV)summary(anovaRE)
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: Yield ~ 1 + Press + (1 | Batch)
Data: dataV
REML criterion at convergence: 112
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.32253 -0.64269 0.01068 0.54202 1.62882
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
Batch (Intercept) 7.781 2.789
Residual 7.326 2.707
Number of obs: 24, groups: Batch, 6
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 92.817 1.587 58.494
Press8700 -1.133 1.563 -0.725
Press8900 -3.900 1.563 -2.496
Press9100 -7.050 1.563 -4.512
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) Pr8700 Pr8900
Press8700 -0.492
Press8900 -0.492 0.500
Press9100 -0.492 0.500 0.500
# Confidence Intervals Variance Components and Overall Meanconfint(anovaRE,oldNames=FALSE)