Catalyst of Chemical Process
Data description
library (tidyverse)
library (gtsummary)
# 2^2 Factorial design
# 2^2 Data Yield in a chemical process
Y= c (28 ,36 ,18 ,31 ,25 ,32 ,19 ,30 ,27 ,32 ,23 ,29 )
A= gl (n= 2 ,k= 1 ,length = 4 ,labels = c ("L" ,"H" ))
B= gl (n= 2 ,k= 2 ,length = 4 ,labels = c ("Lo" ,"Hi" ))
# block
bl= gl (n= 3 ,k= 4 ,length = 12 ,labels= c (1 ,2 ,3 ))
# data
mdata= data.frame (Y,A,B)
# EA= 8.33
# EB = -5
model1 <- aov (Y ~ A+ B, data = mdata)
summary (model1)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
A 1 208.33 208.33 47.27 7.27e-05 ***
B 1 75.00 75.00 17.02 0.00258 **
Residuals 9 39.67 4.41
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Computing Effects
Estimate the effects from the regression
The contrasts
unordered ordered
"contr.treatment" "contr.poly"
Orthogonal - effect coding - half-effects
options (contrasts= c ("contr.sum" ,"contr.poly" ))
contrasts (A)
m2= lm (Y ~ A* B, data = mdata)
coef (m2)
(Intercept) A1 B1 A1:B1
27.5000000 -4.1666667 2.5000000 0.8333333
# change reference level
co= coef (lm (Y ~ relevel (A, ref = "H" )* relevel (B, ref = "Hi" ),data = mdata))
# Effects
Eff= 2 * co[2 : 4 ]
names (Eff) = c ("A" ,"B" ,"AB" )
8.333333 -5.000000 1.666667
Reference coding - effects
It works only with no interactions
options (contrasts = c ("contr.treatment" , "contr.poly" ))
contrasts (A)
m3 = lm (Y ~ A+ B ,data= mdata)
#By default The intercept: overall mean - (EffectA+ EffectB)/2
# and the regression coefficients are the Effect Estimates
Eff2= coef (m3)[2 : 3 ]
names (Eff2) <- c ("A" ,"B" )
# Graphics
interaction.plot (x.factor = mdata$ A,
trace.factor = mdata$ B,
response = mdata$ Y,
fun = mean,
type = "b" ,
col= c ("black" ,"red" ),
fixed = T,
pch = c (19 ,17 ))
Etch Rate data
An etch process on a single wafer plasma etching tool. The design factors:
The gap between the electrodes (A)
The gas flow (B)
RF power applied to the cathode. (C)
Each factor is run at two levels
The design is replicated twice n=2.
Etch= c (550 ,669 ,633 ,642 ,1037 ,749 ,1075 ,729 ,604 ,650 ,601 ,635 ,1052 ,868 ,1063 ,860 )
A= gl (n= 2 ,k= 1 ,length = 16 ,labels = c ("L" ,"H" ))
B= gl (n= 2 ,k= 2 ,length = 16 ,labels = c ("L" ,"H" ))
C= gl (n= 2 ,k= 4 ,length = 16 ,labels = c ("L" ,"H" ))
df= tibble (Etch,A,B,C)
model1 <- aov (Etch ~ A* B* C, data = df)
summary (model1)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
A 1 41311 41311 18.339 0.002679 **
B 1 218 218 0.097 0.763911
C 1 374850 374850 166.411 1.23e-06 ***
A:B 1 2475 2475 1.099 0.325168
A:C 1 94403 94403 41.909 0.000193 ***
B:C 1 18 18 0.008 0.930849
A:B:C 1 127 127 0.056 0.818586
Residuals 8 18020 2253
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Get estimates
getOption ("contrasts" )
[1] "contr.treatment" "contr.poly"
options (contrasts= c ("contr.sum" ,"contr.poly" )) # provide half-effects
co= coef (lm (Etch ~ relevel (A, ref = "H" )* relevel (B, ref = "H" )* relevel (C, ref = "H" )))
# Effects
Eff= 2 * co[2 : 8 ]
names (Eff) <- c ("A" ,"B" ,"C" ,"AB" ,"AC" ,"BC" ,"ABC" )
-101.625 7.375 306.125 -24.875 -153.625 -2.125 5.625
qq= qqnorm (Eff,cex= 1 ,ylim = c (- 200 ,300 ),xlim= c (- 3 ,1.5 ))
qqline (Eff)
text (qq$ x,qq$ y,names (Eff),pos= 1 ,cex= 1 ,col= "red" )
The factors A, C, and interactions AC are the most important terms.